Choose your plan

Sampler - 1st Class FREE

Plan 1


Per Class

After enjoying the free class, you may want to continue to explore my other classes without committing to a subscription plan. It's affordable, which makes it easier to justify trying a few more classes to really make sure it's the right fit for you.


Plan 2


Unlimited Classes
Per Month

This rate offers a commitment with a discount that seems tailored for you. You are serious about integrating my classes into your long-term fitness journey. It rewards your commitment with savings, effectively motivating you to maintain a consistent workout routine. It also gives you a sense of belonging to our community.



For 3 Months
Unlimited Classes

Once you’ve decided you enjoy my classes and want to make them a part of your regular routine, this option is incredibly appealing. This price point suggests that attending just six classes in a month would already be a better value than paying per class, encouraging you to attend more frequently.
